Michael Kaduce ’09 Headshot

Michael Kaduce ’09


Director | Falck Health Institute

Empowering communities

正是Mount Mercy University的社区引起了Michael Kaduce的注意. As an alumnus, 迈克尔继续与他在山上发现的社区保持着密切的联系.

迈克尔对帮助他人的热情和他对科学的天赋激励他在医疗保健领域工作. 到了选择大学的时候,他在国会山找到了很多他想要的东西.


事实上,Mount Mercy在学校附近有两家医院——unitypoint Health - St Luke 's和Mercy Medical center——这对他来说是一个巨大的好处. The close proximity paid off; Michael began working in the Emergency Department at St. Luke’s as a Patient Care Tech during his sophomore year. It was his first experience working in health care, and specifically in emergency medical services, which Michael continues to work within to this day.

迈克尔说:“这让我知道,医疗保健真的很有趣. “这是一次很棒的经历,让我迈出了医疗保健领域的第一步,并让我知道这就是我想做的事情.”

When Michael wasn’t gaining valuable hands-on experience at St. Luke’s, he was staying involved on campus. He was in M2AP Board, Biology Club, SGA, the Alumni Association, choir, and served as student class president for four years. 他在学生会的时间鼓励他保持参与并结识新朋友. During his first year, 他领导了一项活动,让学生们获得Mount Mercy的电子邮件地址,这样他们就可以注册Facebook了, a big deal at the time.


Michael Kaduce ’09
Director | Falck Health Institute

In the classroom, 迈克尔学到了很多宝贵的技能,这些技能后来会直接运用到他的职业生涯中. One skill that Michael hated at the time, writing, was a tremendous asset when it came to getting published.

“教师们一直在推动我们变得更好,变得伟大,”迈克尔说. “It’s definitely paid off in my career field.”

In addition to his classmates and his professors, 迈克尔和大学里的工作人员建立了很好的关系.

“我认为仁慈山的一些无名英雄是员工,”迈克尔说. “校园里的工作人员真正致力于学生的成功,并将移山使学生成功.”

“I think some of the unsung heroes at Mount Mercy are the staff. 校园里的工作人员真正致力于学生的成功,并将移山使学生成功.”

-Michael Kaduce '09

Mount Mercy的学生经历为迈克尔毕业后的成功奠定了基础. Michael was planning to go into medical school, 但他决定利用自己的“空档年”,进入护理学校. Before graduating, 他得到了一份全职工作,在厄班代尔消防局当消防员/护理人员.

Michael ended up working in the fire department for four years. While there, 他回到学校攻读专业研究硕士学位, Homeland Security from Penn State University.

As he was wrapping up his master’s degree, Michael learned about an open position at the University of Iowa. 他继续拥抱教学,并加入大学作为EMS教育家. In the role, he taught students how to be EMTs and paramedics. 作为北利伯蒂消防局的一名志愿者,他继续将自己的知识付诸实践.

After a couple years, 迈克尔在加州大学洛杉矶分校的一个同事给他发来了加州大学洛杉矶分校院前护理中心项目主任的职位空缺. After a lengthy interview process, 迈克尔得到了这个职位,并搬到了洛杉矶,在那里他负责监督全国最大的初始EMT教育培训项目.

The faculty were driving us to be better and to be great. It’s definitely paid off in my career field.

Michael Kaduce ’09
Director | Falck Health Institute

迈克尔发现加州大学洛杉矶分校对社区的承诺是他工作的一个有益方面,因为他能够将他在Mount Mercy期间巩固的价值观融入其中.


迈克尔与加州大学洛杉矶分校的社区参与官员密切合作,确保EMS项目与历史上服务不足的人群合作. 他们希望确保所有人都有机会成为急救医生、消防员或护理人员.


-Michael Kaduce '09

“数据表明,当照顾病人的人与他们有相似的生活经历时,病人会得到更好的照顾,” said Michael. “这意味着我们需要各种背景和医疗保健经验的人. 我们必须向那些在这个行业中看不到自己的人敞开大门.”

Recently, Michael接受了一项新的工作,成为Falck健康研究所的主任,他可以继续这项重要的工作,通过初步教育来支持EMS的工作人员, patient care benchmarking, and research. In addition to serving the community through his work, Michael还花了大量的时间继续他的教育,并了解最新的发现和实践.

“EMS是医疗保健的一部分,所以它是不断变化的,”迈克尔说. “我们必须确保我们为病人做得最好. 有了越来越多的科学和数据驱动的解决方案,我们只会让它变得更好.”

迈克尔也做他自己的研究,最近能够实现一个终身目标. 他是同行评议刊物发表的一篇论文的第一作者. “Medical Directors, Facilities, 和财务:认可护理人员项目的资源不足”发表在 Prehospital Emergency Care journal in August 2023.

迈克尔继续与他在国会山的社区保持联系. He currently serves on the Mount Mercy Alumni Board, enjoys coming back to Cedar Rapids for Homecoming & 校友周末,并每年为# haveemercygivemercy设定捐赠匹配目标.

“我想让人们知道,去仁慈山真的会激励你做伟大的事情. That’s why I give back,” Michael shared.

Michael has been able to live his values of lifelong learning, helping the community, 并通过他的工作和他在Mount Mercy的持续参与来回馈社会. It’s those values, specifically the pursuit of lifelong learning, that he encourages current students to embrace.

“It can be easy to think once we’ve graduated, we’ve reached the peak of our educational career,” said Michael. “但我认识的最聪明、最优秀的人总是在努力学习新东西.”

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